Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Don't be ashamed to wear clip-on earrings!

Hey there, sexy kittens!Some of us gals/guys/whatever your pronoun would be don't have pierced ears. Constantly, we are pressured by our peers and fashion trends to get holes in our ears.Some of us are scared of infections and scaring! Well I say embrace your no pierced ears dammit!Here are some of my fav clip- ons!

These were given to me by a friend!Chic circle ones-

The classy model wearing them (with her dirty laundry in the background)-

The next pair looks like they came from the kid section of the dollar store ,but you can still make them work!

Rainbow butterflies-

And finally my personal favs!Chandeliers-

Well, that's all for this post, sexy kittens!See you later!;)

Do I even remember how to write a letter?

Greetings lovelies! Many people often forget ( including myself) that there was a way of communicating with one another before electronics were invented. You just needed a pen and piece of paper to express how you feel about another person. Nowadays, when one gets something in the mail, it's usually "junk mail" or "that letter from grandma with money inside". Its become so under rated when someone takes the time to sit down and write a heartfelt letter rather than a quick text/email. For this uhm... tutorial? You will need a few supplies.I purchased mine at Micheal's , but I'm sure most places have these items.


Some cute, crazy stickers-

Letter and envelope-

And of course, a pen!-

Now write yo letter! Write it to someone you love/like, maybe a crush, a friend, band member, movie star, hello kitty, or a relative. Or just find a random address in the phone book and send it to that person! haha! Just Kidding!Please don't don't that one!Anyways after you write your letter, add some personal touches like weird stickers on the front that may show interests of both you and the person your writing.

Now stuff that letter in that envelope!Add a cute sticker to seal the treasure inside ;)

Now put the address of your significant other and send that thang!Uhm from personal experience, please remember that your address goes on the left hand corner and the one you are sending it to goes in the middle of the envelope.

Welp thats it!See ya later lovelies!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Priorities, Priorities...

So here is my first blog post!It only took me a year to start posting on here!Haha!That rhymed!Anyways...
I noticed that I was posting a lot of texts on my tumblr and finally just gave into putting posts on an actual blog!My grammar sucks ,but I'll try to improve my 3rd grader vocabulary into one of a modern, sophisticated young lady of the 21 century...pft, as if?!Hopefully this will motivate me to become more organized while also sharing my thoughts and experiences of the world through my perspective!Well that's it for this post!Stay tuned for more uhm... inspiring?nah!somewhat interesting posts in the near future!